Showing results 251 to 300 out of 13841
Atel ID | Atel Date (UT) | Coords X-Refs | RA![]() | DEC | Title | Keywords | Authors |
5360 | 2013-09-04 15:59:00 | 00:26:31.090 | +44:41:27.40 | MASTER detection of Rapid Optical Transient near the Intriguing Object | Optical, Request for Observations, Transient | P. Balanutsa, D. Denisenko, E. Gorbovskoy, V. Lipunov, N. Tiurina, V. Kornilov, A. Belinski, N. Shatskiy, V. Chazov, A. Kuznetsov, V. Yecheistov, V. Vladimirov (Moscow State University, SAI), V. Yurkov, Y. Sergienko, D. Varda, E. Sinyakov, A. Gabovich (Blagoveshchensk Educational University), K. Ivanov, S. Yazev, N. Budnev, E. Konstantinov, O. Chuvalaev, V. Poleshchuk, O. Gress, A. Frolova (Irkutsk State University), V. Krushinsky, I. Zalozhnih, A. Popov, A. Bourdanov (Ural Federal University), A. Parkhomenko, A. Tlatov, D. Dormidontov, V. Senik (Kislovodsk solar station of the Pulkovo observatory RAS), P. Podvorotny, V. Shumkov, S. Shurpakov (MASTER team members), H. Levato, C. Saffe (ICATE), C. Mallamaci, C. Lopez and F. Podest (OAFA) | |
3631 | 2011-09-05 13:58:00 | 00:26:33.480 | +03:21:35.60 | PTF weekly SN discovery report, Sep. 2, 2011 | Optical, Supernovae | Avishay Gal-Yam, D. Xu, S. Ben-Ami, I. Arcavi, A. Sternberg (Weizmann), Peter Nugent (LBNL), Y. Cao, N. Konidaris, D. Levitan (Caltech), K. Maguire, Y.-C. Pan (Oxford), S. B. Cenko, J. Silverman, T. Kandrashoff, J. S. Bloom (UCB), E. Walker (Pisa) and P. Groot (Nijmegen), on behalf of the PTF | |
6516 | 2014-09-29 18:29:00 | 00:26:34.660 | -32:48:33.00 | PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients | Optical, Supernovae | N. Walton (IoA, Cambridge), C. Ashall (LJMU), M. Fraser, N. Blagorodnova (IoA, Cambridge), K. Maguire, S. Taubenberger (ESO), C. Inserra (QUB), S. J. Smartt, K. W. Smith (QUB), M. Sullivan (Southampton), S. Valenti (LCOGT), O. Yaron (Weizmann), D. Young (QUB), I. Manulis (Weizmann), C. Baltay, N. Ellman, E. Hadjiyska, R. McKinnon, D. Rabinowitz, E. S. Walker, S. Rostami (Yale University), U. Feindt, M. Kowalski (Universitat Bonn), P. Nugent (LBL Berkeley), L. Wyrzykowski,(Warsaw Observatory, Poland) | |
8464 | 2015-12-24 18:43:00 | 00:26:40.770 | -42:57:50.60 | Classification of 15 DES supernovae by OzDES | Optical, Supernovae | F. Yuan, B. E. Tucker (Australian National University), C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory), P. Martini (Ohio State University), Julia Gshwend (Observatório Nacional / LIneA), A. Moller, B. Zhang (Australian National University), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Schubnell (University of Michigan), R. Kessler, J. Lasker, D. Scolnic (University of Chicago), D. J. Brout, L. Gladney, M. Sako, R. C. Wolf (University of Pennsylvania), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), R. Nichol, A. Papadopoulos (University of Portsmouth), M. Childress, C. D'Andrea, M. Smith, M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), R. Maartens (University of the Western Cape), R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley N | |
8485 | 2015-12-31 15:26:00 | 00:26:41.630 | -63:41:44.50 | OGLE-IV Transient Search summary of season 2015b - continuation of ATEL#8484 | Optical, Supernovae, Transient | L. Wyrzykowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, J. Klencki, M. Sitek, P. Mroz, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, M. K. Szymanski, G. Pietrzynski, I. Soszynski, K. Ulaczyk, P. Pietrukowicz (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland) on behalf of the OGLE team | |
6515 | 2014-09-29 18:06:00 | 00:26:45.800 | -43:26:02.50 | Discovery and Classification of 8 SNe from the Dark Energy Survey | Optical, Supernovae | M. Smith, M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), A. Mehner, I. Aranda (ESO), R. Maartens (University of the Western Cape), R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, J. S. Bloom, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley), R. J. Foley (University of Illinois), F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Schubnell (University of Michigan), R. Kessler, D. Scolnic (University of Chicago), R. A. Covarrubias (University of Illinois / NCSA), R. C. Wolf, J. A. Fischer, J.-L. Fischer, L. Gladney, M. March, M. Sako (University of Pennsylvania), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), C. D'Andrea, R. Nichol, A. Papa | |
11147 | 2018-01-09 20:08:00 | 00:26:53.460 | -43:09:20.20 | Classification of 26 DES supernova with OzDES | Optical, Supernovae | J. Calcino, T. M. Davis, J. K. Hoormann (University of Queensland), J. Asorey, K. Glazebrook (Swinburne University of Technology), A. Carnero (Observatorio National Brazil), C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory), P. Martini (Ohio State University), A. Moller, N. E. Sommer, R. Sharp, B. E. Tucker (Australian National University), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley), R. J. Foley, Y.-C. Pan (University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Casas, F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), A. Papadopoulos (Cyprus University), E. Morganson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Schubnell (University of Michigan), D. Muthukrishna, R., F. Yuan, B. Zhang (Australian National University), S. Hinton (University of Queensland), G. F. Lewis (University of Sydney), D. Parkinson (Korea Astronomy an | |
4495 | 2012-10-17 21:18:00 | 00:27:08.750 | -74:14:08.20 | 18 supernovae candidates detected by the OGLE-IV survey | Optical, Supernovae, Transient | L. Wyrzykowski, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland), on behalf of the OGLE team | |
6810 | 2014-12-12 21:25:00 | 00:27:14.400 | -67:01:16.60 | OGLE-IV Transient Search report 12 December 2014 | Optical, Supernovae, Transient | L. Wyrzykowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski, P. Pietrukowicz, R. Poleski, M. Sitek (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland), on behalf of the OGLE team | |
10759 | 2017-09-19 21:02:00 | 00:27:17.700 | -42:45:23.20 | Classification of 17 DES supernova with OzDES | Optical, Supernovae | D. Muthukrishna, R. G. Sharp, B. E. Tucker, A. Moller, N. E. Sommer (Mt Stromlo Observatory, Australian National University), J. Asorey (University of Queensland), G. F. Lewis (University of Sydney), C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory), J. Mould (Swinburne University of Technology), E. Macaulay (University of Portsmouth), R. Maartens (University of the Western Cape), E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, R. Gupta, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley), R. J. Foley, Y.-C. Pan (University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Casas, F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), A. Papadopoulos (Cyprus University), E. Morganson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians U | |
6932 | 2015-01-16 10:11:00 | 00:27:25.540 | -42:51:01.50 | Spectroscopic Classifications of DES transients by OzDES | Optical, Supernovae | D. Parkinson (University of Queensland); B. Zhang, R. Sharp, F. Yuan (Australian National University); C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory); G. Lewis (University of Sydney); P. Martini (Ohio State University); K. Glazebrook (Swinburne University); T. M. Davis (University of Queensland); F. Sobreira (Fermilab/Laboratorio inter-institutional de e-Astronomia); D. Jones (John Hopkins University); M. Smith, M. Sullivan (University of Southampton); R. Maartens (University of the Western Cape); R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory); E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab); G. Aldering, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley); R. J. Foley (University of Illinois); F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona); S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians Universit | |
7031 | 2015-02-06 11:43:00 | 00:27:25.540 | -42:51:01.50 | SALT Classification of DES Supernova Candidates | Optical, Supernovae | E. Kasai, B. Bassett (University of Cape Town, AIMS, SAAO), S. Crawford (SALT, SAAO), M. Smith (University of Southampton), R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley), R. J. Foley (University of Illinois), F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Schubnell (University of Michigan), R. Kessler, D. Scolnic (University of Chicago), R. A. Covarrubias (University of Illinois / NCSA), D. J. Brout, J. A. Fischer, L. Gladney, M. March, M. Sako, R. C. Wolf (University of Pennsylvania), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), C. D'Andrea, R. Nichol, A. Papadop | |
10777 | 2017-09-25 06:18:00 | 00:27:26.660 | -72:55:49.20 | OGLE-IV Transient Search report 25 September 2017 part 2 | Optical, Supernovae, Transient, Tidal Disruption Event | L. Wyrzykowski, M. Gromadzki, A. Hamanowicz, K. Rybicki, J. Klencki, S. Kozlowski, A. Udalski, R. Poleski, M. K. Szymanski, J. Skowron, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, P. Mroz, I. Soszynski, P. Pietrukowicz, M. Sitek (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland), N. Ihanec (University of Nova Gorica) | |
10549 | 2017-07-01 11:52:00 | 00:27:34.000 | -12:32:02.76 | Spectroscopic Classifications of Optical Transients with Mayall/KOSMOS | Optical, Supernovae, Transient | M. R. Siebert, Y.-C. Pan, C. D. Kilpatrick, R. J. Foley (UCSC) | |
8486 | 2015-12-31 15:27:00 | 00:27:35.530 | -76:04:51.60 | OGLE-IV Transient Search summary of season 2015b - continuation of ATEL#8484 | Optical, Supernovae, Transient | L. Wyrzykowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, J. Klencki, M. Sitek, P. Mroz, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, M. K. Szymanski, G. Pietrzynski, I. Soszynski, K. Ulaczyk, P. Pietrukowicz (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland) on behalf of the OGLE team | |
4606 | 2012-11-26 11:42:00 | 00:27:48.410 | -05:59:59.14 | Optical brightening of CSS120103:002748-055559: spectroscopic confirmation as a blazar | Optical, AGN, Blazar | E. Breedt, B. T. Gaensicke (University of Warwick), S. G. Parsons (Universidad de Valparaiso) | |
8032 | 2015-09-10 11:47:00 | 00:27:51.140 | -11:28:40.40 | Probable Bright Supernovae discovered by PSST | Optical, Supernovae | K. W. Smith, D. Wright, S. J. Smartt (Queen's University Belfast), M. Huber, K. C. Chambers, H. Flewelling, M. Willman, N. Primak, A. Schultz, B. Gibson, E. Magnier, C. Waters, J. Tonry, R. J. Wainscoat (IfA, Hawaii), R. J. Foley (Illinois), S. W. Jha (Rutgers), A. Rest (STScI), D. Scolnic (Chicago/KICP) | |
11146 | 2018-01-09 20:07:00 | 00:27:51.900 | -42:53:03.90 | Classification of 25 DES supernova with OzDES | Optical, Supernovae | J. Calcino, T. M. Davis, J. K. Hoormann (University of Queensland), J. Asorey, K. Glazebrook (Swinburne University of Technology), A. Carnero (Observatorio National Brazil), C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory), P. Martini (Ohio State University), A. Moller, N. E. Sommer, R. Sharp, B. E. Tucker (Australian National University), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley), R. J. Foley, Y.-C. Pan (University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Casas, F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), A. Papadopoulos (Cyprus University), E. Morganson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Schubnell (University of Michigan), D. Muthukrishna, R., F. Yuan, B. Zhang (Australian National University), S. Hinton (University of Queensland), G. F. Lewis (University of Sydney), D. Parkinson (Korea Astronomy an | |
6534 | 2014-10-03 19:59:00 | 00:27:58.350 | -05:12:59.50 | iPTF discoveries of recent SNe Ia | Optical, Supernovae | J. Johansson, R. Ferretti, C. Fremling, K. Migotto, A. Nyholm, S. Papadogiannakis, T. Petrushevska (OKC), S. Ben-Ami, A. De Cia, Y. Dzigan, A. Horesh, G. Leloudas, I. Manulis, A. Rubin, I. Sagiv, P. Vreeswijk, O. Yaron (Weizmann), Y. Cao, D. Perley, A. Waszczak (Caltech), M. M. Kasliwal (Carnegie), G. Hosseinzadeh (LCOGT), T. N. Ukwatta (LANL), R. Quimby (IPMU), T. Hashimoto (NAOJ) on behalf of the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory | |
8016 | 2015-09-08 10:17:00 | 00:27:59.920 | +30:45:59.00 | Asiago spectroscopic classification of three SNe | Optical, Supernovae | N. Elias-Rosa, E. Cappellaro, S. Benetti, L. Tomasella, P. Ochner, A. Pastorello, L. Tartaglia, G. Terreran, M. Turatto (INAF OAPd) | |
4474 | 2012-10-10 15:40:00 | 00:28:05.030 | -58:06:06.50 | PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients | Optical, Supernovae | Patrick El-Hage (LPHNE, Paris), M. Fraser (Queens University Belfast), A. Sternberg (MPA Garching), C. Inserra (Queens University Belfast), S. Taubenberger (MPA), A. Pastorello, S. Valenti, S. Benetti (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova), S. J. Smartt, K. Smith, D. Young (Queen's University Belfast), M. Sullivan (University of Oxford), A. Gal-Yam, O. Yaron (Weizmann Institute for Science), A. Dimai (ISSP), S. Howerton (CRTS-SNHunt), S. Parker (BOSS) | |
1262 | 2007-11-07 07:52:00 | 00:28:05.360 | -09:28:41.10 | Four Optical Transients from the Catalina Sky Survey | Optical, Request for Observations, Transient, Variables | S.G. Djorgovski, A.J. Drake, R. Williams, A. Mahabal, M.J. Graham (Caltech); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory); E.C. Beshore, S.M. Larson (LPL/UA) | |
5755 | 2014-01-10 21:01:00 | 00:28:10.900 | -04:16:06.20 | PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients | Optical, Supernovae | L. Le Guillou, M. Fleury, C. Balland, S. Baumont (LPNHE), K. Maguire (ESO), A. Pastorello (Padova), S. Benetti, (Padova), C. Inserra, S. Smartt, K. Smith, D. Young (QUB), M. Sullivan (Southampton), S. Taubenberger (MPA), S. Valenti (LCOGT), M. Fraser (IoA), O. Yaron, I. Manulis, A. Gal-Yam, (Weizmann), C. Knapic, R. Smareglia, M. Molinaro (Trieste), C. Baltay, N. Ellman, E. Hadjiyska, R. McKinnon, D. Rabinowitz, E. S. Walker (Yale University), U. Feindt, M. Kowalski (Universitat Bonn), P. Nugent (LBL Berkeley) | |
6503 | 2014-09-27 02:52:00 | 00:28:11.960 | +07:09:43.90 | Asiago spectroscopic classification of PSN J00281196+0709439 (= CSS140925:002812+070944) | Optical, Supernovae | L. Tomasella, N. Elias-Rosa, P. Ochner, L. Tartaglia, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro, A. Pastorello and M. Turatto (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova) | |
6534 | 2014-10-03 19:59:00 | 00:28:12.000 | +07:09:43.50 | iPTF discoveries of recent SNe Ia | Optical, Supernovae | J. Johansson, R. Ferretti, C. Fremling, K. Migotto, A. Nyholm, S. Papadogiannakis, T. Petrushevska (OKC), S. Ben-Ami, A. De Cia, Y. Dzigan, A. Horesh, G. Leloudas, I. Manulis, A. Rubin, I. Sagiv, P. Vreeswijk, O. Yaron (Weizmann), Y. Cao, D. Perley, A. Waszczak (Caltech), M. M. Kasliwal (Carnegie), G. Hosseinzadeh (LCOGT), T. N. Ukwatta (LANL), R. Quimby (IPMU), T. Hashimoto (NAOJ) on behalf of the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory | |
7782 | 2015-07-10 14:02:00 | 00:28:13.200 | -76:59:26.50 | OGLE-IV Transient Search report 10 July 2015 | Optical, Supernovae, Transient | L. Wyrzykowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski, M. Pawlak, M. Sitek (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland), on behalf of the OGLE team | |
10777 | 2017-09-25 06:18:00 | 00:28:21.140 | -72:47:47.50 | OGLE-IV Transient Search report 25 September 2017 part 2 | Optical, Supernovae, Transient, Tidal Disruption Event | L. Wyrzykowski, M. Gromadzki, A. Hamanowicz, K. Rybicki, J. Klencki, S. Kozlowski, A. Udalski, R. Poleski, M. K. Szymanski, J. Skowron, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, P. Mroz, I. Soszynski, P. Pietrukowicz, M. Sitek (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland), N. Ihanec (University of Nova Gorica) | |
4369 | 2012-09-11 08:29:00 | 00:28:21.820 | -30:57:23.10 | PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients | Optical, Supernovae | Y.-C Pan (University of Oxford), I. Arcavi, S. Ben-Ami, O. Yaron (Weizmann Institute for Science) M. Sullivan, K. Maguire (University of Oxford), S. Taubenberger (MPA Garching), S. Valenti, A. Pastorello, S. Benetti (INAF - Padova Astronomical Observatory), S. J. Smartt, K. Smith, D. Young (Queen's University Belfast), A. Gal-Yam (Weizmann Institute for Science) | |
6343 | 2014-07-25 20:55:00 | 00:28:30.380 | -68:46:15.00 | OGLE-IV Transient Search report 25 July 2014 | Optical, Supernovae, Transient | L. Wyrzykowski, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, P. Pietrukowicz (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland), on behalf of the OGLE team | |
9575 | 2016-09-30 15:32:00 | 00:28:36.500 | -01:33:03.10 | PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients | Optical, Supernovae | S. Prentice (LJMU), P. James (LJMU), L. Short (LJMU), T.-W. Chen (MPE), N. Elias-Rosa (INAF-Padova), C. Inserra (QUB), E. Kankare (QUB), K. Maguire (QUB), S. J. Smartt (QUB), K. W. Smith (QUB), M. Sullivan (Southampton), S. Valenti (UC Davis), O. Yaron (Weizmann), D. Young (QUB), I. Manulis (Weizmann), D. Wright (QUB), K. Chambers, H. Flewelling, M. Huber, E. Magnier, J. Tonry, C. Waters, R. J. Wainscoat (IfA, Univ. Hawaii) | |
11225 | 2018-01-25 02:16:00 | 00:28:44.970 | +23:33:29.30 | MASTER Net: OTs detection during GRB error-boxes inspections and QSO flares | Optical, Gamma Ray, Request for Observations, AGN, Cataclysmic Variable, Gamma-Ray Burst, Quasar, Supernovae, Transient, Variables | T. Pogrosheva, P. Balanutsa, O. Gres, V. Lipunov (Lomonosov MSU), R. Podesta (OAFA), H. Levato (ICATE), E. Gorbovskoy, V. Kornilov, N. Tiurina, A. Kuznetsov, V. Chazov, D. Vlasenko, V. Vladimirov, I. Gorbunov, A. Krylov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, SAI), C. Lopez, F. Podesta (Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar San Juan University), C. Saffe (Instituto de Ciencias Astronomicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio), V. Senik (KSS), A. Gabovich (BSPU) | |
4289 | 2012-07-30 20:35:00 | 00:28:47.880 | +03:29:12.40 | PTF SN discovery report, July 2012 | Optical, Supernovae | Avishay Gal-Yam, Sagi Ben-Ami, O. Yaron, I. Arcavi (Weizmann), Peter Nugent (LBL), D. Levitan, D. Perley, S. R. Kulkarni, B. Sesar, Y. Cao, E. Bellm, T. Barlow (Caltech), J. Silverman, K. Clubb, A. Miller, O. Fox (UC Berkeley), Y.-C. Pan, K. Maguire, M. Sullvan (Oxford), E. Walker (SNS Pisa), M. Kasliwal (OCIW/Princeton) and M. Graham, J. Parrent (LCOGT) report for the PTF | |
6520 | 2014-10-01 12:03:00 | 00:28:48.010 | -43:33:44.20 | OzDES Spectroscopic Classification of 5 Supernovae From DES | Optical, Supernovae | F. Yuan (Australian National University); C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory); T. M. Davis, A. King, D. Parkinson (University of Queensland); A. Carnero, J. Gschwend (Observatorio Nacional / Laborat´orio Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia); G. Lewis (University of Sydney); R. Maartens (University of the Western Cape); R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory); E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab); G. Aldering, J. S. Bloom, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); K. Barbary, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley); R. J. Foley (University of Illinois); F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona); S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich); R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO); M. Schubnell (University of Michigan); R. Kessler, D. Scolnic (University of Chicago); R. A. Covarrubias (University of Illinois / N | |
7849 | 2015-07-28 10:51:00 | 00:29:02.820 | +59:34:19.30 | Continued activity of IGR J00291+5934 observed by Swift XRT and UVOT. | Optical, X-ray, Neutron Star, Transient | Paul Kuin (MSSL/UCL), Kim Page (U. Leicester), Sergio Campana (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera) and Silvia Zane (MSSL/UCL) | |
7849 | 2015-07-28 10:51:00 | 00:29:03.060 | +59:34:19.10 | Continued activity of IGR J00291+5934 observed by Swift XRT and UVOT. | Optical, X-ray, Neutron Star, Transient | Paul Kuin (MSSL/UCL), Kim Page (U. Leicester), Sergio Campana (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera) and Silvia Zane (MSSL/UCL) | |
6861 | 2014-12-31 19:47:00 | 00:29:06.450 | -70:45:56.70 | OGLE-IV Transient Search report 31 December 2014 | Optical, Supernovae, Transient | L. Wyrzykowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski, R. Poleski, M. Sitek (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland), on behalf of the OGLE team | |
5568 | 2013-11-10 06:31:00 | 00:29:07.550 | -43:08:27.60 | OzDES Spectroscopic Classification of DES transients | Optical, Supernovae | M. Childress, R. Sharp, F. Yuan (Australian National University), S. Uddin (Swinburne University of Technology), K. Kuehn, C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory), T. M. Davis, D. Parkinson (University of Queensland), S. Fine (South African Astronomical Observatory), P. Martini (Ohio State University); R. A. Covarrubias (University of Illinois / NCSA); R. Cane, J. A. Fischer, L. Gladney, M. March, M. Sako (University of Pennsylvania); P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University); C. D'Andrea, R. Nichol, A. Papadopoulos (University of Portsmouth); M. Sullivan (University of Southampton); R. Maartens, M. Smith (University of the Western Cape); K. Barbary, J. P. Bernstein, R. Biswas, R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory); E. Ahn, D. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab); G. Aldering, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, A. Kim, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); R. J. F | |
8577 | 2016-01-22 12:11:00 | 00:29:14.560 | -67:48:08.60 | OGLE-IV Transient Search report 22 January 2016 and follow-up of OGLE16aaa TDE candidate | Optical, Black Hole, Supernovae, Transient | L. Wyrzykowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski, M. Pawlak, M. Szymanski, M. Sitek, J. Klencki (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland) on behalf of the OGLE team, I. Arcavi (LCOGT) | |
6378 | 2014-08-09 08:53:00 | 00:29:15.120 | +02:51:57.60 | Spectroscopic classification of PSN J02451711+4213503 in an anonymous galaxy and PSN J00291512+0251576 in NGC 128 | Optical, Supernovae | D. K. Sahu, G. C. Anupama and S. Srivastav (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India) | |
11679 | 2018-06-02 07:02:00 | 00:29:17.660 | -42:29:28.30 | Classification of 18 DES supernova with OzDES | Optical, Supernovae | E. S. Swann (University of Portsmouth), G. F. Lewis (University of Sydney), C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory + Australian National University), F. H. Panther, R. Sharp, N. E. Sommer, B. E. Tucker (Australian National University), D. Muthukrishna (University of Cambridge), R. Casas, F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), A. Papadopoulos (Cyprus University), E. Morganson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Schubnell (University of Michigan), A. Moller, R., F. Yuan, B. Zhang (Mount Stromlo Observatory, Australian National University), T. M. Davis, S. Hinton (University of Queensland), J. Asorey (Swinburne University of Technology), S. Uddin (Purple Mountain Observatory), R. Kessler, J. Lasker, D. Scolnic (University of Chicago), D. J. Brout, C. D'Andrea, L. Gladney, M. March, M. Sako, R. C. Wolf (University of Pennsylvania), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A | |
9855 | 2016-12-13 20:44:00 | 00:29:22.100 | -43:58:52.10 | Classification of 17 DES Supernova with OzDES | Optical, Supernovae | J. K. Hoormann, J. Asorey (University of Queensland), D. Carollo, A. Moller, R. Sharp, N. E. Sommer, B. E. Tucker, B. Zhang (Mount Stromlo Observatory, the Australian National University), C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory), D. J. Brout, C. D'Andrea, L. Gladney, M. March, M. Sako, R. C. Wolf (University of Pennsylvania), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), E. Macaulay, R. Nichol (University of Portsmouth), M. Childress, S. Prajs, M. Smith, M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), R. Maartens (University of the Western Cape), E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, R. Gupta, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley), R. J. Foley, Y.-C. Pan (University of California, Santa | |
8564 | 2016-01-20 10:59:00 | 00:29:26.010 | -42:16:02.40 | Classification of 5 DES supernovae by Gemini | Optical, Supernovae | Y-C. Pan, R. J. Foley (University of Illinois), R. Kessler, J. Lasker, D. Scolnic (University of Chicago), D. J. Brout, L. Gladney, M. Sako, R. C. Wolf (University of Pennsylvania), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), R. Nichol, A. Papadopoulos (University of Portsmouth), M. Childress, C. D'Andrea, M. Smith, M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), R. Maartens (University of the Western Cape), R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley), R. Casas, F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Schubnell (University of Michigan) | |
3031 | 2010-11-13 19:30:00 | 00:29:28.000 | +15:17:07.10 | 22 New Confirmed and Candidate Supernovae from CRTS and the GRB follow-up team | Optical, Request for Observations, Supernovae, Transient | A.J. Drake, S.G. Djorgovski, A.A. Mahabal, M.J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech); T.A. Fatkhullin, V.N. Komarova, A.S. Moskvitin, V.V. Sokolov, T.N. Sokolova (SAO RAS); J. L. Prieto (Carnegie Obs); M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Obs); E.C. Beshore, S.M. Larson (LPL/UA); R.H. McNaught, G. Garradd (ANU). | |
8658 | 2016-02-09 16:34:00 | 00:29:28.160 | -43:23:17.30 | Classification of 14 DES supernovae by Magellan | Optical, Supernovae | L. Galbany (MAS/U. de Chile), S. Gonzalez-Gaitan (MAS/CMM), M. Smith (University of Southampton), F. Forster (MAS/CMM), M. Hamuy (U. de Chile/MAS), Jose Luis Prieto (U. Diego Portales/MAS), M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), R. Nichol (University of Portsmouth), M. Sako (University of Pennsylvania), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), A. Papadopoulos (University of Portsmouth), M. Childress, C. D'Andrea (University of Southampton), R. Maartens (University of the Western Cape), R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley), R. J. Foley, Y.-C. Pan (University of Illinois), R. Casas, F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), S. | |
2318 | 2009-11-30 03:30:00 | 00:29:31.430 | +03:37:50.90 | The First Optical Transient Discoveries from MLS | Optical, Request for Observations, Quasar, Supernovae, Transient | A.J. Drake, S.G. Djorgovski, A.A. Mahabal, M.J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech); M. Catelan (PUC); E.C. Beshore, S.M. Larson, A. Boattini, A. Gibbs, A. Grauer, R. Hill, R. Kowalski (LPL/UA); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory) | |
5589 | 2013-11-18 19:01:00 | 00:29:32.320 | +50:25:54.20 | Flaring Blazar and two CVs detected by MASTER | Optical, Blazar, Cataclysmic Variable, Quasar, Transient | D. Denisenko, E. Gorbovskoy, V. Lipunov, N. Tiurina, P. Balanutsa, V. Kornilov, A. Belinski, N. Shatskiy, V. Chazov, A. Kuznetsov, A. Rufanov, V. Vladimirov, V. Yecheistov (Moscow State University, SAI), A. Parkhomenko, A. Tlatov, D. Dormidontov, V. Senik (Kislovodsk Solar Station of Pulkovo Observatory), K. Ivanov, S. Yazev, N. Budnev, E. Konstantinov, O. Chuvalaev, V. Poleshchuk, O. Gress (Irkutsk State University), V. Yurkov, Y. Sergienko, D. Varda, E. Sinyakov, A. Gabovich (Blagoveshchensk Educational University), V. Krushinsky, I. Zalozhnih, A. Popov, A. Bourdanov (Ural Federal University), P. Podvorotny, V. Shumkov, S. Shurpakov (MASTER team members), H. Levato, C. Saffe (ICATE), C. Mallamaci, C. Lopez, F. Podest (OAFA) | |
11930 | 2018-08-10 00:44:00 | 00:29:32.330 | +50:25:54.05 | ZTF Bright Transient Survey classifications | Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Supernovae, Transient | C. Fremling, A. Dugas, Y. Sharma, H. Ko, S. Sze, S. R. Kulkarni, R. Walters, N. Blagorodnova, J. D. Neill (Caltech), A. A. Miller (Northwestern), K. Taggart, D. A. Perley (LJMU), A. Goobar (OKC), M. L. Graham (UW) on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility collaboration | |
11148 | 2018-01-09 20:09:00 | 00:29:33.590 | -43:14:23.90 | Classification of 13 DES supernova with OzDES | Optical, Supernovae | E. Macaulay (University of Portsmouth), S. Allam, D. Tucker (Fermilab), J. Asorey (Swinburne University of Technology), T. M. Davis (University of Queensland), A. Kremlin (University of Michigan), G. F. Lewis (University of Sydney), C. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory), P. Martini (Ohio State University), N. E. Sommer, B. E. Tucker (Australian National University), G. Aldering, R. Gupta, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley), R. J. Foley, Y.-C. Pan (University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Casas, F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), A. Papadopoulos (Cyprus University), E. Morganson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Schubnell (University of Michigan), A. Moller, D. Muthukrishna, R., F. Yuan, B. Zhang (Au | |
8485 | 2015-12-31 15:26:00 | 00:29:34.510 | -67:59:52.30 | OGLE-IV Transient Search summary of season 2015b - continuation of ATEL#8484 | Optical, Supernovae, Transient | L. Wyrzykowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, J. Klencki, M. Sitek, P. Mroz, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, M. K. Szymanski, G. Pietrzynski, I. Soszynski, K. Ulaczyk, P. Pietrukowicz (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland) on behalf of the OGLE team | |
8306 | 2015-11-19 17:06:00 | 00:29:34.510 | -67:59:52.20 | PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients | Optical, Supernovae | S. Mattila (Turku), J. Harmanen (Turku, NOT), M. Dennefeld (IAP, UPMC), T. Kangas (Turku), T-.W. Chen (MPE), R. Cartier (Southampton), C. Inserra (QUB), M. Fraser (IoA), A. Gal-Yam (Weizmann), E. Kankare, K. Maguire, S. J. Smartt, K. W. Smith (QUB), M. Sullivan (Southampton), S. Valenti (LCOGT), O. Yaron (Weizmann), D. Young (QUB), I. Manulis (Weizmann), C. Baltay, N. Ellman, E. Hadjiyska, R. McKinnon, D. Rabinowitz, S. Rostami (Yale University), U. Feindt, M. Kowalski (Universitat Bonn), P. Nugent (LBL Berkeley), D. Wright (QUB), K. Chambers, H. Flewelling, M. Huber, E. Magnier, J. Tonry, C. Waters, R. J. Wainscoat (IfA, Univ. Hawaii), L. Wyrzykowski (Warsaw Observatory, Poland) |