E.g., 2025-02-07
E.g., 2025-02-07
Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
Degrees (-90..+90, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: ±DD:MM:SS.SS / ±DD MM SS.SS
Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
Degrees (-90..+90, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: ±DD:MM:SS.SS / ±DD MM SS.SS
Showing results 351 to 400 out of 13841


Atel IDAtel Date (UT)Coords X-RefsRADECTitlesort descendingKeywordsAuthors
118512018-07-14 15:18:0017:46:12.000-11:45:47.00A fast radio burst towards the millisecond pulsar PSR J1744-1134 found during a commensal search by the Parkes Pulsar Timing ArrayRadio, Transient, Fast Radio BurstS. Oslowski (Swinburne University of Technology - SUT), R. M. Shannon (SUT), A. Jameson (SUT), C. J. Russell (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CSIRO), M. Bailes (SUT), N. D. R. Bhat (Curtin University of Technology), W. A. Coles (University of California San Diego), S. Dai (CSIRO), J. Dempsey (CSIRO), G. Hobbs (CSIRO), M. J. Keith (University of Manchester), M. Kerr (Naval Research Laboratory), R. N. Manchester (CSIRO), P. D. Lasky (Monash University - Monash), Y. Levin (Flatiron Institute), A. Parthasarathy (SUT), V. Ravi (Caltech Institute of Technology), D. J. Reardon (SUT), J. M. Sarkissian (CSIRO), R. Spiewak (SUT), W. van Straten (Auckland University of Technology), L. Toomey (CSIRO), J. B. Wang (XAO), L. Wen, (UWA), X. P. You (SU), L. Zhang (NAOC), S. Zhang, (PMO), X. J. Zhu (Monash)
79832015-09-03 02:07:0010:44:02.800-59:39:46.70A gigantic X-ray flare from the star Trumpler 14 Y442 in the Carina star forming complexInfra-Red, Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Star, Transient, Variables, Young Stellar Object, Pre-Main-Sequence StarKenji Hamaguchi (CRESST NASA/GSFC & UMBC), Stephen A. Drake, Michael F. Corcoran (CRESST NASA/GSFC & USRA), Noel Richardson (Universite de Montreal), Mairan Teodoro (NASA/GSFC & Western Michigan University)
29192010-10-10 23:33:0017:48:05.196-24:46:47.40A hard X-ray transient in the direction of Terzan 5 detected by INTEGRALX-ray, Gamma Ray, Neutron Star, Transient, PulsarP. Bordas (ISDC/IAAT), E. Kuulkers (ESA/ESAC, Spain), J. Alfonso-Garzn (LAEX-CAB/INTA-CSIC, Spain), V. Beckmann (APC, France), T. Bird (Southampton, UK), S. Brandt (DTU Space, Denmark) J. Chenevez (DTU Space, Denmark), T. Courvoisier (ISDC, Switzerland), M. Del Santo (INAF/IASF-Roma, Italy), A. Domingo (LAEX-CAB/INTA-CSIC, Spain), K. Ebisawa (ISAS, Japan), C. Ferrigno (ISDC, Switzerland), P. Jonker (SRON, The Netherlands), P. Kretschmar (ESA/ESAC, Spain), C. Markwardt (GSFC, USA), T. Oosterbroek (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands), A. Paizis (INAF-IASF, Italy), K. Pottschmidt (UMBC/NASA GSFC, USA), C. Snchez-Fernndez (ESA/ESAC, Spain), R. Wijnands (UvA, The Netherlands)
52872013-08-15 22:30:0014:36:41.590+15:50:20.20A naked-eye optical transient in BootesOptical, TransientYue Zhao, P. B.Hall, P. Delaney, J. Sandal (York University)
52872013-08-15 22:30:0014:36:29.560+15:57:29.50A naked-eye optical transient in BootesOptical, TransientYue Zhao, P. B.Hall, P. Delaney, J. Sandal (York University)
52872013-08-15 22:30:0014:36:21.970+15:51:09.47A naked-eye optical transient in BootesOptical, TransientYue Zhao, P. B.Hall, P. Delaney, J. Sandal (York University)
52872013-08-15 22:30:0014:36:27.190+15:53:26.83A naked-eye optical transient in BootesOptical, TransientYue Zhao, P. B.Hall, P. Delaney, J. Sandal (York University)
52872013-08-15 22:30:0014:36:31.600+15:52:46.20A naked-eye optical transient in BootesOptical, TransientYue Zhao, P. B.Hall, P. Delaney, J. Sandal (York University)
39842012-03-20 16:12:0017:49:24.000-30:30:00.00A new hard X-ray transient discovered by INTEGRAL: IGR J17494-3030X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star, TransientR. Boissay (ISDC, Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland), J. Chenevez (DTU Space, Denmark); E. Bozzo, C. Ferrigno (ISDC, U. of Geneva, Switzerland); V. Grinberg, J. Wilms (Dr. Karl Remeis Obs. and ECAP, Germany); I. Caballero (CEA Saclay, France); M. Cadolle-Bel (ESA/ESAC, Spain); M. Del Santo, M. Fiocchi (INAF/IAPS, Roma, Italy); L. Kuiper (SRON, NL); A. Paizis, L. Sidoli (INAF/IASF-Milano, Italy); G. Puehlhofer (IAA-Tuebingen, Germany); V. Sguera (INAF/IASF Bologna); K. Watanabe (Florida Gulf Coast Univ., USA); J. Enright, E. Graham, K. Jacob, D. Rusk (Dublin City University)
43092012-08-15 20:44:0017:55:58.000-26:12:36.00A new hard X-ray transient discovered by INTEGRAL: IGR J17559-2612X-ray, Gamma Ray, Request for Observations, TransientV. Esposito, C. Ferrigno, E. Bozzo (ISDC - University of Geneva, Switzerland), J. Chenevez (DTU Space, Denmark) , S. P. Drave (Univ. of Southampton, UK), M. Del Santo (INAF/IAPS, Italy), K. Watanabe (Florida Gulf Coast University, USA)
39472012-03-01 14:59:0018:17:52.000-16:21:25.00A new hard X-ray transient discovered by INTEGRAL: IGR J18179-1621X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star, TransientM. Tuerler (ISDC, Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland), J. Chenevez (DTU Space, Denmark); E. Bozzo, C. Ferrigno, A. Tramacere (ISDC, U. of Geneva, Switzerland); I. Caballero, J. Rodriguez (CEA Saclay, France); M. Cadolle-Bel, C. Sanchez-Fernandez (ESA/ESAC, Spain); M. Del Santo, M. Fiocchi, A. Tarana (INAF/IAPS, Roma, Italy), P. R. den Hartog (Stanford Univ. HEPL-KIPAC, USA), I. Kreykenbohm, M. Kuehnel (Dr. Karl Remeis Obs. and ECAP, Germany), A. Paizis (INAF/IASF-Milano, Italy), G. Puehlhofer (IAA-Tuebingen, Germany), K. Watanabe (Florida Gulf Coast Univ., USA), G. Weidenspointner (MPE and MPI HLL, Germany), S. Zhang (IHEP, China)
35512011-08-12 17:35:0017:49:49.000-29:21:14.00A new hard X-ray transient discovered by INTEGRAL: IGRJ17498-2921X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star, TransientL. Gibaud (ISDC, Switzerland), A. Bazzano (INAF/IASF Rome, Italy), E. Bozzo (ISDC, Switzerland), M. Cadolle-Bel (ESA/ESAC, Spain), J. Chenevez (DNSC, Denmark), S.P. Drave (Univ. of Southampton, UK), C. Ferrigno (ISDC, Switzerland), D. Gotz (CEA, France), M. Kadler (Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik Universitat Wurzburg, Dr. Karl Remeis Observatory and ECAP, Germany), I. Kreykenbohm (Dr. Karl Remeis Observatory and ECAP, Germany), G. Puehlhofer (IAA-Tuebingen, Germany), J. Rodriguez (CEA, France), C. Sanchez-Fernandez (ESA/ESAC, Spain), K. Watanabe (FGCU, USA)
42672012-07-20 04:26:0012:30:49.090+12:23:29.31A New Near-Ultraviolet Source in the M87 JetUltra-Violet, AGN, Nova, Transient, VariablesJuan P. Madrid (Swinburne University, Australia)
38462012-01-06 08:10:0000:41:41.000+41:19:43.80A new nova candidate in M31Optical, NovaY. Cao (Caltech) and M. M. Kasliwal (Carnegie Institution for Science & Princeton University) on behalf of the Palomar Transient Factory collaboration
38002011-12-09 05:31:0000:42:06.000+41:01:29.00A new nova candidate in M31Optical, NovaY. Cao (Caltech) and M. M. Kasliwal (Carnegie Institution for Science & Princeton University) on behalf of the Palomar Transient Factory collaboration
53012013-08-20 17:46:0017:48:13.400-36:07:57.00A new outburst from LMXB 1A 1744-361X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, TransientArash Bahramian, Craig O. Heinke, Gregory R. Sivakoff (University of Alberta)
53012013-08-20 17:46:0017:48:13.400-36:07:53.00A new outburst from LMXB 1A 1744-361X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, TransientArash Bahramian, Craig O. Heinke, Gregory R. Sivakoff (University of Alberta)
53012013-08-20 17:46:0017:48:13.148-36:07:57.02A new outburst from LMXB 1A 1744-361X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, TransientArash Bahramian, Craig O. Heinke, Gregory R. Sivakoff (University of Alberta)
117222018-06-16 09:15:0016:34:01.255-47:23:26.46A new outburst of 4U 1630-472 and its very soft X-ray spectra X-ray, Black Hole, TransientDongming Mao, Jie Lin, Zhen Yan, and Wenfei Yu (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)
52252013-07-25 02:28:0020:57:53.900-51:52:24.50A new SN suspect at the position of SNhunt142 discovered 1 year agoOptical, SupernovaeStu Parker, Greg Bock, Peter Marples, Colin Drescher, Patrick Pearl, Brendan Downs, and the BOSS team
52252013-07-25 02:28:0020:57:53.920-51:52:24.80A new SN suspect at the position of SNhunt142 discovered 1 year agoOptical, SupernovaeStu Parker, Greg Bock, Peter Marples, Colin Drescher, Patrick Pearl, Brendan Downs, and the BOSS team
15372008-05-20 09:16:0007:28:22.200+74:54:06.00A new soft X-ray transient from the XMM-Newton slew surveyOptical, X-ray, Request for Observations, TransientR. Saxton(ESAC), P. Esquej(MPE), P. Evans(LU), J. Osborne(LU), K. Page(LU), A. Read(LU), M. Sanchez(ESAC)
15372008-05-20 09:16:0007:28:21.950+74:54:02.40A new soft X-ray transient from the XMM-Newton slew surveyOptical, X-ray, Request for Observations, TransientR. Saxton(ESAC), P. Esquej(MPE), P. Evans(LU), J. Osborne(LU), K. Page(LU), A. Read(LU), M. Sanchez(ESAC)
25802010-04-22 22:50:0013:29:25.110+11:47:46.40A New Supernova Discovery/ClassificationOptical, Request for Observations, SupernovaePeter Nugent (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Mark Sullivan (University of Oxford) & D. Andrew Howell (LCOGT/UCSB)
29342010-10-13 22:50:0009:37:30.300+23:09:33.60A New Supernova Discovery/ClassificationOptical, Request for Observations, SupernovaeD. A Howell (LCOGT/UCSB), P. E. Nugent (LBL), M. Sullivan (Oxford), A. Gal-Yam (Weizmann Institute)
24532010-02-23 22:38:0013:01:11.250+53:48:57.50A New Supernova Discovery/ClassificationOptical, Ultra-Violet, SupernovaePeter Nugent (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Mark Sullivan (University of Oxford) & D. Andrew Howell (LCOGT/UCSB)
55522013-11-06 16:12:0000:57:58.400-72:22:29.50A new transient X-ray pulsar in the Small Magellanic CloudX-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, PulsarG. L. Israel (INAF-OARoma), P. Esposito (INAF-IASF Mi), V. D'Elia (ASI ASDC), L. Sidoli (INAF-IASF Mi) on behalf of a larger collaboration
1062002-09-13 19:45:0016:34:01.600-47:23:33.00A new X-ray outburst of the black-hole candidate 4U 1630-47Radio, Infra-Red, X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Black Hole, TransientRudy Wijnands (University of St Andrews), Ron Remillard (MIT), Jon M. Miller (CfA)
1012002-07-02 22:12:0017:48:05.244-24:46:47.70A new X-ray outburst of XB 1745-25 in the globular cluster Terzan 5Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Globular Cluster, Neutron Star, TransientRudy Wijnands (MIT), Jeroen Homan (Brera Observatory), Ron Remillard (MIT)
1472003-04-14 12:11:0017:47:16.000-28:10:45.00A New X-Ray Transient Discovered with XMMX-ray, TransientL.Sidoli (IASF/CNR, Milan), S.Mereghetti (IASF/CNR,Milan)
42422012-07-07 19:21:0017:48:05.240-24:46:38.40A new X-ray transient in the globular cluster Terzan 5X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Globular Cluster, Neutron Star, TransientR. Wijnands, D. Altamirano (University of Amsterdam), C. O. Heinke, G. R. Sivakoff (University of Alberta), D. Pooley (Sam Houston State University, Eureka Scientific)
42422012-07-07 19:21:0017:48:05.370-24:46:37.50A new X-ray transient in the globular cluster Terzan 5X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Globular Cluster, Neutron Star, TransientR. Wijnands, D. Altamirano (University of Amsterdam), C. O. Heinke, G. R. Sivakoff (University of Alberta), D. Pooley (Sam Houston State University, Eureka Scientific)
17412008-09-26 00:16:0023:34:23.130+39:14:23.10A persistent flaring transient from CRTSOptical, Request for Observations, TransientA. Mahabal, A.J. Drake, S.G. Djorgovski, R. Williams, M.J. Graham (Caltech); E.C. Beshore, S.M. Larson, R. Hill (LPL/UA); M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory);
100242017-01-30 06:08:0013:25:13.220-11:17:38.00A possible extreme scattering event in progress in PKS B1322-110Radio, AGN, VariablesKeith Bannister (CASS), Hayley Bignall (CASS), Simon Johnston (CASS), Cormac Reynolds (CASS), Jamie Stevens (CASS), Artem Tuntsov (Manly Astrophysics), Mark Walker (Manly Astrophysics).
32642011-04-07 10:10:0017:48:04.829-24:46:49.10A possible IR counterpart to the transient X-ray pulsar IGR J17480-2446 in Terzan 5Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Binary, Globular Cluster, Neutron Star, Transient, PulsarV. Testa (INAF-OAR), T. Di Salvo (Univ. Palermo), L. Burderi (Univ. Cagliari), M. T. Menna (INAF-OAR), T. M. Belloni (INAF-OAB), A. D'Ai' (Univ. Palermo), R. Iaria (Univ. Palermo), S. Motta (INAF-OAB), A. Papitto (Univ. Cagliari), A. Riggio (INAF-OAC)
57592014-01-14 08:17:0014:21:37.260-61:36:25.41A possible radio counterpart of MAXI J1421-613 detected by the ATCARadio, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star, TransientM. Coriat (Univ. Cape Town), Tasso Tzioumis (ATNF), S. Corbel (Univ. Paris Diderot & CEA Saclay), R. Fender (Univ. Oxford)
51132013-06-07 09:36:0016:12:43.059-52:25:23.20A possible radio counterpart to the neutron star X-ray binary 4U1608-52Radio, Binary, Neutron Star, TransientJames C. A. Miller-Jones (ICRAR Curtin) and Simone Migliari (U. Barcelona)
51132013-06-07 09:36:0016:12:43.000-52:25:23.00A possible radio counterpart to the neutron star X-ray binary 4U1608-52Radio, Binary, Neutron Star, TransientJames C. A. Miller-Jones (ICRAR Curtin) and Simone Migliari (U. Barcelona)
41032012-05-08 20:51:0002:33:49.200+02:29:25.20A possible WISE blazar counterpart of the faint INTEGRAL active galactic nucleus IGR J02341+0228Radio, Infra-Red, X-ray, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, QuasarF. Massaro (Stanford University), A. Paggi (SAO), R. D'Abrusco (SAO)
40292012-04-11 00:10:0017:17:34.692-51:55:31.93A possible WISE blazar counterpart of the New Gamma-ray Transient Fermi J1717-5156Radio, Infra-Red, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Quasar, TransientF. Massaro (Stanford University), R. D'Abrusco (SAO), A. Paggi (SAO), M. Ajello (SLAC)
40292012-04-11 00:10:0017:17:34.650-51:55:32.06A possible WISE blazar counterpart of the New Gamma-ray Transient Fermi J1717-5156Radio, Infra-Red, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Quasar, TransientF. Massaro (Stanford University), R. D'Abrusco (SAO), A. Paggi (SAO), M. Ajello (SLAC)
40862012-05-03 17:31:0013:49:31.450-11:32:53.86A possible WISE blazar counterpart of the new GeV source Fermi J1350-1140Radio, Infra-Red, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, QuasarA. Paggi (SAO), F. Massaro (Stanford University), R. D'Abrusco (SAO)
40862012-05-03 17:31:0013:49:31.440-11:32:53.90A possible WISE blazar counterpart of the new GeV source Fermi J1350-1140Radio, Infra-Red, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, QuasarA. Paggi (SAO), F. Massaro (Stanford University), R. D'Abrusco (SAO)
47082013-01-06 09:57:0012:22:21.670-31:15:24.60A possible WISE counterpart of the New Optical Transient SSS130101:122222-311525Infra-Red, Cataclysmic Variable, Transient, VariablesK. L. Li and A. K.H. Kong (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
43302012-08-23 16:47:0017:49:02.100+19:13:31.20A pre-discovery spectrum of MASTER OT J174902.10+191331.2Optical, Cataclysmic VariableR. Nesci (INAF-IAPS, Roma, Italy)
51622013-06-25 17:24:0012:01:52.720-18:52:18.30A Preliminary Search for the Progenitor Candidate of PSN J12015272-1852183 in the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038)Optical, SupernovaeN. Elias-Rosa (ICE-IEEC/CSIC Barcelona), A. Pastorello, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro (INAF - Padova Astronomical Observatory), G. Pignata, K. Takats (Universidad Andres Bello), S. Valenti (University of California at Santa Barbara and Las Cumbres Observatory), A. Harutyunyan (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, TNG)
51402013-06-17 22:50:0015:00:00.158+01:52:53.21A Preliminary Search for the Progenitor of the SN Candidate PTF13bvn in the Nearby Galaxy NGC 5806Optical, SupernovaeI. Arcavi, O. Yaron, A. Gal-Yam (WIS) and Y. Cao (Caltech)
22282009-10-05 19:31:0010:01:20.780+55:53:49.40A prominent fluctuation in the optical brightness of Q0957+561A and prediction of the Q0957+561B optical variability in the first semester of 2010Optical, Request for Observations, AGN, Quasar, TransientLuis J. Goicoechea (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain) and Vyacheslav N. Shalyapin (Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, Ukraine)
18382008-11-11 14:23:0020:32:25.780+40:57:27.90A radio flare of a microquasar Cyg X-3Request for Observations, Binary, Black Hole, TransientKenta Fujisawa (Yamaguchi University), Masato Tsuboi (ISAS/JAXA), Sergei Trushkin (SAO RAS), Taro Kotani (Aoyama Gakuin University)
2352004-02-15 20:50:0021:24:39.300+50:58:26.00A radio galaxy as possible counterpart of IGR J21247+5058Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Gamma Ray, AGN, Binary, Black Hole, QuasarM. Ribo (CEA Saclay, France), J.A. Combi (IAR, Argentina), I.F. Mirabel (CEA Saclay, France and IAFE-CONICET, Argentina)
