E.g., 2025-02-08
E.g., 2025-02-08
Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
Degrees (-90..+90, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: ±DD:MM:SS.SS / ±DD MM SS.SS
Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
Degrees (-90..+90, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: ±DD:MM:SS.SS / ±DD MM SS.SS
Showing results 1 to 3 out of 3
Atel IDsort descendingAtel Date (UT)Coords X-RefsRADECTitleKeywordsAuthors
119922018-08-27 15:12:0017:50:18.060-26:36:16.70The possible VVV near-infrared counterpart of IGR J17503-2636Infra-Red, X-ray, Neutron Star, Star, Transient, VariablesN. Masetti (INAF-OAS, Bologna), T. S. Ferreira, R. K. Saito, R. Kammers (UFSC, Florianopolis) and D. Minniti (UNAB, Santiago)
119902018-08-26 00:30:0017:50:17.990-26:36:16.70Chandra Localization of IGR J17503-2636X-ray, Black Hole, Neutron Star, TransientDeepto Chakrabarty (MIT), Peter G. Jonker (SRON), Craig B. Markwardt (NASA/GSFC)
119522018-08-14 19:39:0017:50:18.060-26:36:16.50IGR J17503-2636: a new X-ray transient discovered by INTEGRAL and confirmed by SwiftX-ray, TransientJ. Chenevez, G. Jaisawal (DTU Space, Denmark), E. Kuulkers (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands), C. Sanchez-Fernandez (ESA/ESAC, Spain), A. Bazzano (INAF/IAPS, Italy), A. Paizis (INAF/IASF-Mi, Italy), A. Bodaghee (GCSU, USA), S. Brandt, N. Lund (DTU Space, Denmark), E. Bozzo, C. Ferrigno (ISDC, Switzerland), on behalf of a larger collaboration