Showing 270 results
IDNameTelescopeBandTypeHomepagesort ascendingRemarks
252NIRESKeck2 / 10optical+nirspec Echellette Spectrometer
259KCWIKeck2 / 10optical+nirspec Cosmic Web Imager
269LAST-CamLAST / 0.28opticalphot
250BOSSSloan / 2.5optical+nirspec,400 Angstroms
279MookodiLesedi / 1opticalboth Multi-filter Imager (SDSS u'g'r'i'z') and Low-Res Spectrograph (400 - 800 nm , R~350)
196ZTF-CamP48 / 1.2opticalphot ZTF 47 sq deg camera 16 e2v 6k x 6k CCD231-C6
243UWLParkes / 64radioboth Parkes Ultra-wideband low receiving system records data from 64-m Parkes radio telescope over a contiguous bandwidth from 704 to 4032 MHz.
200KOSMOSMayall / 4uv+opticalspec Peak Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrograph
212IDS-KPNOKPNO-2.1m / 2.1opticalspec Image Dissector
240PSRIXEffelsberg / 100radioboth pulsar backend
180MMIRSMMT / 6.5irboth
137MagEMagellan-Baade / 6.5uv+opticalspec resolution optical echelle spectrograph
272MEGARAGTC / 10.4opticalspec integral-field Unit (IFU) and multi-object spectrograph (MOS)
271HiPERCAMGTC / 10.4opticalphot - ugriz (300-1000nm)
270EMIRGTC / 10.4optical+nirbothógrafo Multiobjeto Infra-Rojo - near-infrared (0.9 - 2.5 µm) wide-field imager and medium-resolution multi-object spectrograph
166GNIRSGemini-N / 8.1optical+nirspec
197Flamingos-2Gemini-S / 8.1irboth imaging spectrograph, 1.0-2.4 μm, 6.1 arcmin circular FOV
280VISEuclid / 1.2opticalphot
281NISPEuclid / 1.2nirboth Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer
158QUESTESO-1m / 1.62opticalphot ESO 1m Schmidt QUEST camera
210GRONDESO-2.2m / 2.2optical+nirphot Burst Optical/Near-i
258DESIMayall / 4optical+nirspec Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
222FRBCHIME / 80radiobothhttps://www.chime-experiment.ca400-800 MHz
223PULSARCHIME / 80radiobothhttps://www.chime-experiment.ca400-800 MHz
238FAST-MBFAST / 500radioboth beam multi-beam receiver for FAST
225MB20Parkes / 64radioboth Parkes 20cm Multibeam receiver
237ApertifWSRT / 20radioboth GHz Apertif upgrade to WSRT
213ITS-MLOMLO-1.5m / 1.5opticalboth Tube Scanner
201ARCESAPO-3.5m / 3.5opticalspec ARC Echelle Spectrograph
157RGOAAT / 3.9optical+nirspec
282WFST-WFCWFST / 2.5optical+nirphot
95FRODOspecLT / 2opticalspec
52UVOT-ImagerSwift-UVOT / 0.3uv+opticalphot
253RAO-BN-CamRAO-BN / 0.76opticalphot
226WIDARVLA / 25radioboth GHz
227GUPPIGBT / 100radioboth[Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument] S-band: 1600-2400 MHz
171IDS-McDonaldHarlan-Smith / 2.7opticalspec Dissector Scanner - Decommissioned
284T80CamJAST80 / 0.8opticalphot
283JPCamJST250 / 2.5opticalphot
143Deveny-LMILDT / 4.3opticalboth
209SpectralLCO2m / 2opticalboth
208SinistroLCO1m / 1opticalphot
186NIRSpecJWST / 6.5optical+nirspec Infrared Spectrograph
187NIRISSJWST / 6.5irboth Imager and Slitless Spectrograph
185NIRCamJWST / 6.5optical+nirphot Infrared Camera
188MIRIJWST / 6.5irspec Instrument
264GOTO-2GOTO-N / 0.4opticalphot
265GOTO-3GOTO-S / 0.4opticalphot
266GOTO-4GOTO-S / 0.4opticalphot
218GOTO-1GOTO-N / 0.4opticalphot
276CSS-0.7m-CCDCSS-0.7m / 0.7opticalphot (10,560 x 10,560 pixel) CCD detector mounted at prime focus. The field of view is 19.4 deg2 with a pixel scale of 1.5”
231UTMOSTMOST / 778radioboth MHz
232FlysEyeASKAP / 12radioboth GHz Fly's Eye mode
233IncoherentASKAP / 12radioboth GHz Incoherent sum
234CoherentASKAP / 12radioboth GHz Coherent sum
235900MHzASKAP / 12radioboth MHz
80CassegrainBAO-2.16m / 2.16opticalspec
236AAOmega-2DFAAT / 3.9opticalspec and Red arms that cover the full wavelength range, 370nm to 850nm, or 470nm to 950nm
130MOSFIREKeck1 / 10irspec
3LRISKeck1 / 10opticalboth
82HIRESKeck1 / 10opticalspec Resolution Echelle Spectrometer
100ESIKeck2 / 10opticalboth
4DEIMOSKeck2 / 10opticalspec
56BFOSCXLT / 2.16opticalspec Faint Object Spectrograph & Camera
179OMRXLT / 2.16opticalspec Research Low Resolution Spectrograph
181HRS-XLTXLT / 2.16optical+nirspec Resolution Fiber-fed Spectrograph
74HydraWIYN / 3.5opticalspec spectrometer
198ShARCSLick-3m / 3irboth Adaptive optics infraRed Camera-Spectrograph for the Lick Observatory Shane 3-m telescope
134SARGTNG / 3.58opticalspec
40NICSTNG / 3.58optical+nirboth
15DOLORESTNG / 3.58opticalboth Optimized for the LOw RESolution - LRS in short
147HARPS-NTNG / 3.58opticalspec
194WFC3HST / 2.4uv+opticalphot Field Camera 3
83STISHST / 2.4uv+opticalboth Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
241LP-DualBandSRT / 64radioboth receiver 350MHz/1400MHz
193IRACSST / 0.85irphot Infrared Array Camera
66IRSSST / 0.85irspec Spectrograph
260TripleSpecSOAR / 4.1irboth Imaging Spectrograph; 0.80 - 2.47 microns, R~3500
136SOAR-OSIRISSOAR / 4.1irboth
127GoodmanSOAR / 4.1optical+nirspec
140SDSS-SpecSloan / 2.5opticalspec and SDSS-II Spectrographs
131SCORPIOBTA-6 / 6optical+nirboth Camera with Optical Reducer for Photometrical and Interferometrical Observations
144TRESFLWO-1.5m / 1.5optical+nirspec
44FASTFLWO-1.5m / 1.5opticalspec
117RSSSALT / 11uv+opticalspec ROBERT STOBIE SPECTROGRAPH (Previously known as the Prime Focus Imaging Camera)
118HRS-SALTSALT / 11uv+opticalspec High Resolution Spectrograph
119G-SpecSAAO / 1.9opticalspec Spectrograph
230LPALPA / radioboth MHz
38BC-EkarEkar / 1.82opticalspec Boller and Chivens spectrograph. Decommissioned.
37AFOSCEkar / 1.82opticalboth Asiago Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera
106CarelecOHP-1.93m / 1.93opticalspec on 27/1/12
261MISTRALOHP-1.93m / 1.93optical+nirboth resolution spectro-imager
139KOOLSOAO-188 / 1.88opticalboth Okayama Optical Low-dispersion Spectrograph
207StanCamNOT / 2.56opticalphot CCD Camera
254NOTCamNOT / 2.56optical+nirboth Nordic Optical Telescope near-infrared Camera and spectrograph
267FIESNOT / 2.56opticalspec high-resolution FIbre-fed Echelle Spectrograph
41ALFOSCNOT / 2.56opticalspec Andalucia Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera
88CASS-DICTIO-0.9 / 0.9optical+nirspec Direct Imaging
5RC-SpecMayall / 4opticalspec
49MALLSNayuta / 2opticalspec and Low-dispersion Long-slit Spectrograph
165Abu-NICSMt-Abu / 1.2optical+nirboth
178IRCSSubaru / 8.2irboth Camera and Spectrograph
177HSCSubaru / 8.2opticalphot Suprime-Cam
71FOCASSubaru / 8.2opticalboth Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph
229L-WideArecibo / 305radioboth GHz
228ALFAArecibo / 305radioboth L-band Feed Array. 1225-1525 MHz
61DBSSSO-2.3m / 2.3opticalspec Beam Spectrograph
128LUCILBT / 8.4optical+nirspec called LUCIFER
58MMT-BlueMMT / 6.5opticalspec Spectrograph
98MMT-RedMMT / 6.5opticalspec
278Mephisto-CamMephisto / 1.6opticalphot
69LDSS-2Magellan-Clay / 6.5opticalspec
75IMACSMagellan-Baade / 6.5opticalboth Inamori Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph
84MIKEMagellan-Clay / 6.5opticalspec
78LDSS-3Magellan-Clay / 6.5opticalspec
64Mod-specLCO-duPont / 2.5opticalspec Spectrograph
62WFCCDLCO-duPont / 2.5opticalboth
63BC-duPontLCO-duPont / 2.5opticalspec & Chivens Spectrograph
251LRSsLAMOST / 4opticalspec
47CGS4UKIRT / 3.8irspec Grating Spectrometer 4
133GCSGAO-0.65m / 0.65opticalspec
17FOS-2WHT-4.2m / 4.2opticalspec January 1998.
18FOS-1WHT-4.2m / 4.2opticalspec
67FOSINT-2.5m / 2.5opticalspec
129LIRISWHT-4.2m / 4.2optical+nirboth
16ISISWHT-4.2m / 4.2opticalspec dispersion Spectrograph and Imaging System
19IDSINT-2.5m / 2.5opticalspec Intermediate Dispersion Spectrograph
97ACAMWHT-4.2m / 4.2opticalboth
46HFOSCHCT-2m / 2opticalboth Faint Object Spectrograph Camera
11SNIFSUH88 / 2.2opticalspec
101OSIRISGTC / 10.4opticalboth
242GMRT-Band3GMRT / 45radioboth digital backend
6GMOSGemini-N / 8.1opticalspec
9GMOS-SGemini-S / 8.1opticalspec Multi-Object Spectrographs
102GALEXGALEX / 0.5uvspec
256ATLAS-04ATLAS-CHL / 0.5opticalphot
159ATLAS-02ATLAS-HKO / 0.5opticalphot
160ATLAS-01ATLAS-MLO / 0.5opticalphot
255ATLAS-03ATLAS-STH / 0.5opticalphot
12X-ShooterVLT-UT2 / 8.2opticalspec
168VIMOSVLT-UT3 / 8.2opticalboth
148UVESVLT-UT2 / 8.2uv+opticalspec
54BC-ESOESO-1.5m / 1.5opticalspec Boller and Chivens Spectrograph at the ESO 1.52m Telescope. Decommissioned. Manual can be found at
45DFOSCDanish-1.54m / 1.54opticalboth Danish Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera
34SofiESO-NTT / 3.58irboth spectrograph and imaging camera
30EMMIESO-NTT / 3.58opticalspec Multi-Mode Instrument (Decommissionned)
31EFOSC2-NTTESO-NTT / 3.58opticalboth Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera
32EFOSC2-3.6ESO-3.6m / 3.57opticalboth Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera - Now on NTT
33EFOSC-2.2ESO-2.2m / 2.2opticalboth Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera
7FORS2VLT-UT1 / 8.2opticalspec
8FORS1VLT-UT1 / 8.2opticalspec
35ISAACVLT-UT3 / 8.2irboth Spectrometer And Array Camera
76FORS1-UT2VLT-UT2 / 8.2opticalspec
183SINFONIVLT-UT4 / 8.2irspec integral field spectrograph
182MUSEVLT-UT4 / 8.2opticalspec Unit Spectroscopic Explorer - integral field spectrograph
73RC-Spec-1.5CTIO-1.5m / 1.5opticalspec 1.5-m R-C Spectrograph
174COSMOSCTIO-4m / 4opticalspec Tololo Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrograph
72RC-Spec-4CTIO-4m / 4opticalspec 4.0-m R-C Spectrograph
172DECAMCTIO-4m / 4opticalphot Energy Camera
173ARCoIRISCTIO-4m / 4irspec Research using the Cornell Infra Red Imaging Spectrograph
87IR-SpecCTIO-4m / 4irspec Spectrograph
164Gaia-RVSGaia / 1.5optical+nirspec Radial Velocity Spectrometer for brighter stars 845-872 nm at R~11500
163Gaia-photometricGaia / 1.5optical+nirboth low resolution fused-silica prism spectrographs BP: 330-680nm, RP: 640-1050nm
162Gaia-astrometricGaia / 1.5opticalphot CCDs with a white-light passband (Gaia G-band)
161STA1600CNEOST / 1.04opticalphot CCD
202MegaCamCFHT / 3.6optical+nirphot optical imaging
96HectospecMMT / 6.5opticalspec
48CAFOSCA-2.2m / 2.2opticalboth
60MOSCACA-3.5m / 3.5opticalboth
81PMASCA-3.5m / 3.5opticalspec MultiAperture Spectrophotometer
176TWINCA-3.5m / 3.5optical+nirspec
150OSMOSMDM-2.4 / 2.4opticalboth
153BrutusASASSN-1 / 0.54opticalphot
154CassiusASASSN-2 / 0.54opticalphot
191PaczynskiASASSN-3 / 0.54opticalphot
192LeavittASASSN-4 / 0.54opticalphot
195Payne-GaposchkinASASSN-5 / 0.54opticalphot
120MODS1LBT / 8.4uv+opticalboth Multi-Object Double Spectrographs for the Large Binocular Telescope
121MODS2LBT / 8.4uv+opticalboth Multi-Object Double Spectrographs for the Large Binocular Telescope
170TIFKAMMDM-2.4 / 2.4irboth
65GLOWSGAO-1.5m / 1.5opticalboth LOW resolution Spectrograph and imager
53CassDDO / 1.88opticalspec spectrograph
57BC-AsiGalileo / 1.22opticalspec & Chivens Spectrograph
59BC-OSUMDM-2.4 / 2.4opticalspec State University Boller and Chivens CCD spectrograph
220Gattini-cameraGattini / 0.3irphot J band imaging instrument at Palomar observatory
103CFH12kP48 / 1.2opticalphot
104P60-CamP60 / 1.5opticalphot
149SEDMP60 / 1.5opticalboth
109P200-TSPECP200 / 5.1irspec Spectrograph
2LFCP200 / 5.1opticalphot
1DBSPP200 / 5.1opticalspec
91LCSHarlan-Smith / 2.7uv+opticalspec Cassegrain Spectrograph
89ES2Harlan-Smith / 2.7optical+nirspec - McDonald's Cassegrain Spectrograph
141APO-TSPECAPO-3.5m / 3.5irspec
70DISAPO-3.5m / 3.5opticalboth Imaging spectrograph
248Super-KamiokandeSuper-Kamiokande / 39Otherphot
20LaiwoWise1m / 1opticalphot
21PIWise1m / 1opticalphot
22FOSCWise1m / 1opticalboth Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera
116FIREMagellan-Baade / 6.5irspec port InfraRed Echellette
156SPRATLT / 2opticalspec for the Rapid Acquisition of Transients
244IO-OLT / 2opticalphot Infrared-Optical Suite of Instruments
245IO-ILT / 2irphot Near-infrared Imaging Component of the IO Suite of Instruments
175HDSSubaru / 8.2optical+nirspec Dispersion Spectrograph
115WiFeSANU-2.3m / 2.3opticalspec Spectrograph (integral field)
152SM-WFCamSkyMapper / 1.35Otherphot Wide-field camera
126RATIRSPM15 / 1.5optical+nirphot imager for the OAN/SPM 1.5-meter Johnson telescope
257GPC2PS2 / 1.8opticalphot
155GPC1PS1 / 1.8opticalphot
203KAITCamKAIT / 0.76opticalphot AP7 camera
190OGLEIV-CamOGLE-1.3m / 1.3opticalphot
39Nickel-SpecLick1m / 1opticalspec Nickel Spectrograph
10KASTLick-3m / 3opticalspec
99UV-SchmidtLick-3m / 3opticalspec of the Kast spectrograph
221BINOSPECMMT / 6.5opticalboth imaging spectrograph
214MeerLICHT-CamML1 / 0.65opticalphothttp://meerlicht.orgMeerLICHT 110 Mpix camera, consisting of a single 10.5k x 10.5k CCD with FoV 2.7 square degrees, and 0.56 ”/pix.
135modspecMDM-2.4 / 2.4opticalspec
85MARK-IIIMDM-2.4 / 2.4opticalspec
108FLOYDS-NFTN / 2opticalspec
125FLOYDS-SFTS / 2opticalspec
68BC-BokBok / 2.3optical+nirspec
122SpeXIRTF / 3irboth Micron Medium-Resolution Spectrograph and Imager
262IRiSIRiS / 0.5opticalphot
184IFOSCIGO / 2opticalboth Faint Object Spectrograph & Camera (IFOSC)
123HET-HRSHET / 9.2opticalspec Resolution Spectrograph. R = 15000 to 120000.
124HET-MRSHET / 9.2opticalspec Spectrograph. R = 5000 to 7000.
43HET-LRSHET / 9.2opticalspec Low Resolution Spectrograph
145HERMESMercator / 1.2optical+nirspec
51V-grismSwift-UVOT / 0.3uv+opticalboth 2800-5200, R~75
50UV-grismSwift-UVOT / 0.3uvspec 1700-2900, R~150
138HOWPolKanata / 1.5opticalboth One-shot Wide-field Polarimeter
239DSA-10DSA-110 / radiobothhttp://deepsynoptic.orgDeep Synoptic Array 110
215BlackGEM-Cam2BG2 / 0.65opticalphothttp://blackgem.orgBlackGEM 110 Mpix camera, consisting of a single 10.5k x 10.5k CCD with FoV 2.7 square degrees, and 0.56 ”/pix.
216BlackGEM-Cam3BG3 / 0.65opticalphothttp://blackgem.orgBlackGEM 110 Mpix camera, consisting of a single 10.5k x 10.5k CCD with FoV 2.7 square degrees, and 0.56 ”/pix.
217BlackGEM-Cam4BG4 / 0.65opticalphothttp://blackgem.orgBlackGEM 110 Mpix camera, consisting of a single 10.5k x 10.5k CCD with FoV 2.7 square degrees, and 0.56 ”/pix.
167BATCBAO-0.6m / 0.6opticalphot X 4K CCD
94IUEIUE / 0.45uvspec
199VNIRISLick-3m / 3optical+nirboth Corporation's Visible and Near Infrared Imaging Spectrograph
55Phot-specBAO-2.16m / 2.16opticalbothPhotometrics spectrograph
77CCDBAO-0.85m / 0.85opticalspec
79PNSCrossley / 0.91uv+opticalspecPrismatic Nebula Spectrograph
86LORALCTIO-1.5m / 1.5uv+opticalspecCassegrain Spectrograph LORAL
92IGSOtto-Struve / 2.1opticalboth
93AVIGalileo / 1.22optical+nirspecAutomatic Virtual Instrument
105FS01FTS / 2opticalphot
107YFOSCLijiang-2.4m / 2.4opticalbothYunnan Faint Object Spectrograph & Camera
110EM01FTN / 2opticalphot
112FS02FTN / 2opticalphot
113CCD-MLOMLO-1m / 1opticalphot
146PlaskettPlaskett / 1.83opticalspec
169AST3-CamAST3 / 0.5opticalphot10kx10k CCD
0OtherOther / opticalphot
263LISAElSauce-1m / 1opticalspecShelyak's LISA optical spectrograph ( with QHY174 CMOS camera mounted on the El Sauce 1m telescope. Gives resolution R~500 in 3600-7450 Angstroms range with 1.7" slit.
268SyntheticOther / OtherphotFor using with synthetic photometry
273FLI-CCDPO-RC32 / 0.8opticalphot
2744K-IMG3ILMT / 4opticalphotThe instrument is a 4K X 4K shutter-less CCD detector mounted at the prime focus assembly.
275SN110-106MLO-1.5m / 1.5opticalphotSpectral Instruments 10K x 10K CCD, STA1600LN_10K detector, no filter, scroll shutter
277C28-CamWise-C28 / 71opticalphot
285NGPSP200 / 5.1opticalspecNext Generation Palomar Spectrograph
114C18-CamWise-C18 / 0.47opticalphot
132BC-MSOMSO-74in / 2opticalspec
142LOSA-F2KAO / 1.3opticalboth
151BC-MagellanMagellan-Baade / 6.5opticalspecDecommissioned
204AZT-8CrAO / 0.7opticalphotApogee AP7 camera
205CTIO-PhotomultiplierCTIO-0.41 / 0.41opticalphot
206CTIO-OtherCTIO-1.0 / 1opticalphot
219CCD-TMTTMT / 0.4opticalphotCommercial CCD on the TMS telescopes
246MPSRUTMOST-EW / 1600radioboth820 - 850 MHz
247NPSRUTMOST-NS / 1600radioboth810 - 855 MHz
249TDSCMO-2.5m / 2.5opticalspec