Coordinates, e.g.: 23:19:44.664 +10:11:04.56 OR: 349.9361 +10.1846
Please make sure to update your WISeREP URL to: www.wiserep.org
Getting started: If new to WISeREP v2, begin by acquiring a personal account here.
Then you may request to join an existing group (survey / program) or either initiate a new group if relevant.

In the new WISeREP v2, everyone can contribute and upload data (spectra / photometry / related-files) directly,
either via the Report webpage or via the Bulk APIs.

Please contact us if you encounter any problems or if you have any questions.
The Weizmann Interactive Supernova Data Repository (WISeREP) serves as an archive of SN spectra and photometry, including both historical (legacy) data and data that are accumulated by ongoing modern surveys and programs. The archive provides information about objects, their spectra, photometry and related metadata.

The redeveloped WISeREP v2 includes highly improved functionalities, as well as additional ones, related to the displaying and manipulating of data (interactive analysis utilities), self-maintaining of users/groups, reporting of data (directly by registered users) and efficient bulk-downloading options of metadata and physical files.

If making use of this database in your research, please cite: 2012PASP..124..668Y
and acknowledge WISeREP - https://www.wiserep.org